We've been terrible about blogging. Seriously...the last time we blogged was Valentine's day. In February. It's now June. Ridiculous.
So I felt like the best way to quickly and effeciently update ya'll on what's been going on with us lately would be to write it out in list. And because I'm obssesed with lists :)
So here's our "Lately List":
1) We're moving!! yes, again. But no, not far away or out of Virginia this time! Our lease was about to be up so we went back and forth between buying or renting again. We decided we wanted a little while longer before buying so we found this great townhouse to rent...want to know the kicker though? (There's 2 actually) First Kicker: It's in the same neighborhood that I grew up in, and that my mom and Patrick currently still live in. Hey, we did say that part of the reason we wanted to move back home from Milwaukee was to be "closer to family" again, right? HA! Second Kicker: The townhouse has pink shutters and a matching pink garage door. Yes, pink (more like "salmon" actually. But still...in the pink family). Trust me, we're not thrilled with this at all. BUT the inside (and the sweet 2 tiered deck with a WATER VIEW) trumps the outside paint color in our opinion. So that's why we've agreed to deal with the pink. Plus, we're just renting so it's not like we have to put up with it for forever!
2)It's wedding season for The White's! 2011 so far has been the year of weddings for all our friends/family and we LOVE IT! We've already been to 3 and have 5 more to go!? Talk about a year of celebrations! We are so grateful and so excited to be able to attend all of these fabulous weddings and to take part in such a special day for the people we love the most.
3) May 22 marked 1 year since we got Kenzie! So sad I didn't get to give our sweet girl her own special post on that day (shame on me, I know). But you bet when her Birthday comes up on July 13th, our sweet girl will get her well deserved birthday shout out on here! But it's been an amazing year with our sweet pup, and we still can't beleive how lucky we are to have found such a great dog, And she's been great practice for the "real child" one day ;) ha. ONE DAY.
4) We got rid of cable. Yes, nothing crazy exciting. But ya'll don't understand how huge of a deal this was for me at first. I even think I had a slight anxiety attack that night I came home and saw that Andrew got rid of the cable box. I'm ridiculous, I know. But now that it's gone, I honestly wish we had gotten rid of it sooner! It's been so freeing not having that distraction anymore. Which is one of the main reasons why we decided to get rid of it in the first place. We were noticing our evenings/time together was becoming consumed by that tv, so it was time for it to go. And It's be so great so far! We've definitely been spending some more quality time together in the evenings now, and are overall more productive around the house and with our time.
5) Andrew turned 26! I'll have a separate post just for this...don't you worry.
6) I got a new job! oh, and this is getting it's own separate post too :)
Now that I've got your interest again after our 4 month hiatus from blogging, stay tuned for the posts on Andrew's birthday and my new job!